
  Hi! So I just want you to know what is happening when I use italics and bolds because I don’t want you to think what is she doing when she used italics or bold letters so here is a short key that I made so that you can understand what I am doing when I add things to my words. 

     Italics: When I use italics I am thinking about something in my brain, like if you sing a song in your head and no one else can hear it. Or I can use italics to be sarcastic (example: “That is so funny!”)

     Bold: When I use bold words it means something pops out or someone is saying something loudly  apposed to regular talking. 

     Bold and Italics: When I use Bold and italics I hear a noise like crash 

    And that is it I hope you understand better now and I will notify you if I have anything else to tell you! Bye!


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