SOL 20: Cereal

As soon as I wake up I crawl out of bed ad go downstairs, sitting at the table I see my older sister and baby brother, one is eating a bowl of cereal that has marshmallows and stars, Ben is dipping his spoon through the cereal. While I watch my brother I can see that he only wants the marshmallows so he dips in the spoon and if he brings a spoonful of stars to the surface he dunks it back in but if he sees a marshmallow he gulps it down as fast as he can and then dunks his spoon back in to search for more marshmallows. I decide to get some of the same cereal because we don't have it that much when I notice one of my favorite cereals, shredded wheat, I contemplate weather I want to eat shredded wheat or lucky charms and I still decide to eat lucky charms. I reach up for a bowl and pull out one of the biggest ones, as I poor the cereal in the bowl I swirl it around with my pointer finger making more room for more cereal. I later poor the milk and take a seat at the table next to my brother, a few minutes later he gets really annoying and spits on my arm so I move from the spot and sit next to my older sister.  He slides over in his chair and fixates himself right across from me, I stare blankly across the table over his head on the wall and he starts to turn around to see what I am looking at, a while later I am finished and my baby brother has a bowl full of stars and no marshmallows. I drop of my bowl in the sink and sulk up the stairs to go watch more of "The Walking Dead" as I rub my eyes from staying up late and watching "The Walking Dead" all night. If I talk about "The Walking Dead" a lot don't be surprised because right now I am binge watching the show and I am on season four, wait.....Did I tell you this last blog? Oh well, bye!


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