SOL 23: Ice Cream Party

I walk into the classroom and take out my I pad, today, in math, we were going to have a special day if we completed our MAP goals. In order to prep for a test we have we were told to do a website called Zearn or MAP recommended practice on Khan Academy, each Zearn lesson was a sticker and each MAP practice that is at 100% gets a sticker. To get the special day we were told that we had to have 40 stickers completed by Friday, last Friday. Many people did not achieve their goal so they didn't get to have any ice cream which was the reward for getting 40 stickers and I ate as much as I could. Before we could eat ice cream we had to finish the documentary we were watching in math for the past week, the documentary wasn't bad but it was a little boring so while we were watching it my eyes would feel like they were being pulled down and I would close them and then realize where I was and open them again a minute later. After we finish the documentary the people who didn't get ice cream left and then people from other classes started to come in and fill the empty seats, it got pretty frantic once everyone got their ice cream but my teachers managed to calm down and I had fun hanging out with my friends and eating ice cream.


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