SOL 4: Audition Time!

    Hey. . . So, in my ELA class we are doing, you could say slice of life challenge but anyway. . . We have to post a new SOL blog everyday. It’s a struggle . . . I will tell you that, excpesially on the weekends but I have to push through because I set a goal to do an SOL blog everyday of March. So just wanted to update you but I can’t push this off for much longer so let’s get started. Let me m tell you about my audition for the school musical (if you are caught up on my recent posts The Sound Of Music) It was not before when it was time for me and a few others to go into the audition room. I was nervous, but not super nervous because I had been through this before, already locked n the character I wanted to be I stepped into the room with confidence. I was told to stand on the far left of the room as we were all lined up in a row of six, it was soon time to start the audition as we were told to sing our audition song Doe a Deer, we all started singing and finished a minute or so after. Then we were taught a little dance to five or less seconds of a song in the musical that I had not heard before, soon enough it was time to read the script and they asked us all who we wanted to be. They told us who they were and there wasn’t enough characters for me to read one of them, as I stood to the side listening to the group of soft voiced people read I notice another character in the script with two short lines and who hadn’t been assigned to anyone yet. Once it came time for that person to read they stopped and the instructor said “Oh, Ava that’s wonderful! Now you can read.” I read my first line and when it’s time to read my second line the person next to me reads it not noticing it was my line, the audition ended shortly after and I felt defeated and broken but I knew I had to keep my head held high and as you know they have not posted the list yet so I am still eagerly awaiting the day the list is posted but for now I just have to try to forget about it. Bye!


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