SOL 5: Brainstorming

   I had just gotten out of the shower and changed into my pajamas for the night when I wrapped a towel around my head and plopped into bed. I had quickly memorized my SOL blog was not done for the day and I had to get it done so I could have a perfect streak for the month of March. Things had gone slow that day, wake up, watch shows, eat a bowl of cereal, eat chips, eat chocolate bars, become obese (just kidding, I’m sorry if you show offense to that I don’t want to make anyone mad I am just joking at how fat I am) and watch more shows. After all my day was pretty uneventful and I got nothing done, so. . . For my SOL blogs I am trying to write about something small that happens to me everyday but since I had nothing to write about I had to think up something in the past or explain my trip to get food, unlikely then I thought maybe I could blog about my brainstorming. I had just hopped in bed ready to watch EVEN MORE shows for the day but it came to mind that I was missing something, I think and think and then it hits me . . . I have to do my blog! But. . . I have NO idea what to write about, as I frantically go through my mind about events that had happened the very same day I come up with nothing. I decide to turn on my I pad to come up with any ideas but all I do when I open my I pad is go to YouTube, I scroll through my past videos that I had watched the night before and I remembered one that I liked and decided to show my sister. I tell her to listen to the song and she puts it on and later asks did you show mom this yet? I respond by saying no, my sister, Lorin, tells me that she is going to send it to my mom and then I come up with the idea of writing about my brainstorm and come up with all of this in my mind. Well sometimes writers block happens and since I found a quote on a shirt about writers I might as well share it with you, it kind of represents how it feels like to be a writer but with a little over exaggeration . . . Being a writer. . . It’s easy, it’s like riding a bike, except the bike is on fire, you are on fire, everything else is on fire and you ar in hell. Well I hope you liked the blog and the quote that I found and I will talk to you all tomorrow, bye!


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