SOL 6: The Bus Ride

   I stepped up onto the bus and looked around while walking forward a little, I take the third seat and I squeeze in, I sit up and peek over the leather seat in front of me and watch the other students flood onto the bus. The bus starts to move after everyone got on the bus but then we stopped, the doors opened and another person came on the bus they were holding there backpack in one hand and were going to walk past me. Once they got near me I ducked my head to avoid the backpack that was over my head, the backpack scraped my head a moment later despite my efforts to avoid that very situation and then we got moving again. Once we got to the second stop I peeked over the leather seat again to examine all the people that were walking up the steps, finally my friend came on and she sat next to me. We talked about stuff going on at school and how it was effecting us and I showed her my mini toothpaste bottle thing that I have in my backpack to show my friend later in the day, we were getting closer to school as we discussed our problems and chatted about a few petty/stupid things. Then we pulled into school a moment later and got off the bus quickly after, we walked over to the building and stand under a big piece of concrete attached to the school as we waited for the doors to open and to go inside. The end! Thank you for reading, bye!


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