SOL 8: Ughhhh #2

   It was nearing the end of the day (again) and I was tired of waiting for the cast list because I new it want going to be ready by the end of today so I just pushed through gym and went to my locker. I had put away all of my stuff in my ELA classroom because I had anime club that day and went to the office to check just in case the list was posted. I open the door and see a huge blob of people that had also tried out for the musical and I emediatly rushed over to the blob. Soon it was my turn and I told the lady my name and she told me I was in the ensemble, I walked away from the table and while I was walking back down the hallway I saw my friend and I decided to ask her what role she got. “Hey, what role did you get?” I ask her curiously

“Maria. . .” She says

“Wait? Didn’t you say that you didn’t want a lead role?”

“Yeah, I didn’t check off lead role on the sheet so I have no idea why they chose me. . .” As the words come out of her mouth I feel sorrow but I say congratulations anyway, I later bump into my other friend and ask her. She tells me she got the oldest daughter and I feel disappointed, I had wanted one of the daughters but I failed and now I don’t even want to be in the musical. I knit my heart I want to be in the musical but I don’t, I remember all the fun times I had in the musical but I feel as if I won’t have fun this year. I will tell you how I feel tomorrow about the matter and I will see if I feel the same way but for now don’t think I want to do the musical, Bye!

      (This post was from the past and did not happen today even though it sounds like it was.)


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