The Art of Presenting

  There really isn’t a right way of  presenting, it really all depends on what your style is or how you do things, even though there is really no right way on how you present there is a bad way. When you present you always want to make sure that you are facing the audience and making eye contact, if you don’t make eye contact or face the audience do you think that they would be able to hear you or even be interested in what you have to present? I think not, another tip is speak loudly . . .  Yes I know there are microphones but not everyone has one and when presenting it is key to speak loudly so that everyone can hear you and they will understand presentation subject you are discussing. My last tip is my favorite one and I think you really can't have a great presentation without it, last but not least you have emotion, you have to present with emotion or your audience will not feel what you are trying to say, if you don’t have emotion then this might be what you sound like “Hi. . . I’m (y/n) I am going to present about dogs. . . I think they are cute and soft and pretty, I really like them.” Do you really want to be one of those monotone people who  ALWAYS talk like that? You want to be know as the person with great enthusiasm or deep emotions that shows the reader what they feel and that they can show their soul through writing. Well this was not a mandatory blog and it is about a month late but I decided to post it anyway because. . . You know, why not? Thanks for reading!


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