SOL 2: The Wait

    Finally the day had come to an end, you do not know how long I have yearned for this moment, It was the end of block four and we had just finished up a song in band class and we’re packing up our instruments. The day before I was preparing for my audition for the school musical The Sound Of Music when it was my turn, I walk inside not knowing what to expect and walking out feeling a little disappointed but confident. The producers of the musical believed they would have the cast list posted the next day and so I waited and waited, It was finally the time for the principles to announce who got in the musical on the loud speakers and post the cast list. As the clicking sound of the loudspeaker turned on my ears perked up, this was the moment deciding my fate for the musical, either I don’t get in and I’m devastated or I do get in and I jump for joy. The suspense had been killing me the whole day and it was finally time to hear the results, as I wait in anticipation all I can hear is “Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah.” As I cross my fingers my heart is racing and if it was against the speed of light my heart would win the race. I jump as I hear the announcement about the musical being red aloud to us my face goes blank, WHAT? I waited all day to hear that?!  I look around at the rest of my friends all disappointed with me as we each frown at the bad news. “The district musical cast list has not been posted yet and will be posted on Tuesday, March 6th for you to see.” My heart had shattered the moment the announcement was red aloud. I had been waiting a whole day to find out I would have to wait for another four days, all I can hope for is that the cast list will be posted in the morning and I will update you all then, Thank you, Bye!


  1. Good! Except when something is “read aloud” not, “red aloud” because red is a color lol.


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