Last MAP Testing of the Year!!!

        This is the last MAP test of the year and I am a little scared about the test. I have been working hard to get ready for the test, I have gone to working lunch with my math teachers and I have pacticed a lot of Kahn and I think I am ready but I am not sure. My math MAP went down one the second test by one and the recommended score I should be at was 245 which was about 10 more than my score was before. I’m not sure if I will be able to get to 245 but I am really excited to see how well I do in the next test, I’m not really sure how well I will do in my other tests because I have only been working hard on my math but I think I am best at math so I have been working hard to improve. MAP is a hard and long process that we have to do every year but I know I will do my best until the very end and even though I don’t like MAP we are almost ready to perform the musical.


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