
Showing posts from February, 2018

SOL: Computer time

               Slice Of Life: Computer time     I slowly crept into my cold dark room after finishing my homework ready to relax as I lay down in my bed and reach for the floor, I slowly feel around the shaggy rug that is in my room and realize that my computer wasn’t on the floor. I groan and shift out of bed right after becoming comfortable and look around a little, I spot my computer and reach out to get it, my fingers slide across the rim of the bulky white edges of the computer and I pick it up with my small hands. I feel weight pull me down a little bit and lunge towards my bed as I can’t wait for this long deserved peace, I open the computer and turn it on. . . The screen is black, now this may seem like a surprise for you but my computer has something wrong with it. I push back the screen really hard and I see light, I slowly stop pushing on the screen and let my computer rest on my lap, I log in quickly and the screen shows that I put the password in wrong so I enter the pa

My Debate Topic

      I love debates, they are really fun and I also love writing which makes me love argumentative essays. I like to chose what side I want to be on and what my reasoning is and debunking is really fun because you get to tell the opposing side what is wrong about what they think. Now since I am done talking about how much I love debates and argumments I will talk about my argumentative essay topic. My topic is music and fine arts education, I chose this topic because I love everything that has to do with music and art and when people cut it out of the school because of budget problems it’s sad, the kids lose their music and art because the school can’t afford to have it anymore and they use the extra money to help all of the sports, as you can see I don’t think that music and fine arts should be cut from school, I really think that you have to be a cruel hard hearted person if you cut the music and arts budget at the school to fund something else. Also, you could cut the sports budget

Should we wear uniforms???

    Ahhhhhh. . . Uniforms, the things that are fairly uncomfortable and a little ugly, I really don’t think anyone should wear them. . . They are terrible, my uniform is a navy shirt and tan pants, it is a struggle having to put on a uniform everyday and it isn’t fun. At school a lot of people have their creativity away because we can’t wear what we want or do what we want, I know I can’t express myself when I am wearing this uniform like I could if I wasn’t, the uniforms have to stop but there isn’t much we can do. . . Because of uniforms we need to spend more money as well, uniforms cost a lot and they don’t make a lot of uniforms that fit taller or shorter people, everyone is different and the uniforms cost a lot of money and sometimes they don’t even fit. I am short. . . When I had to go buy my uniform it was really hard to find and pants that fit me or any shirts at all, if I wanted a shirt my size I had to buy it from the school. Like I said before everyone is different and peop

My snow day

     So, LUCKY ME!!!! Last week we got a snow day!!! And I was kind of excited to not have school on Friday because I have gym and social studies on Friday, one I HATE gym and two I had to present for social studies and I wasn’t ready, so it’s a win - win. On Friday we were not really doing anything so I got to lounge around and watch shows all day, a while ago I started watching a show on Netflix called Glee and I think it is really good and it keeps me occupied because it has six seasons, each episode is around 43 minutes and there are 20-22 episodes per season. I tried not to watch my show all day but it is really hard to do that and then I remembered that I had, drumroll please, MATH HOMEWORK!!! So in math there is this app we have called IXL and if we had school on Friday we were only supposed to do half an hour but we didn’t so we had to do an HOUR of IXL! I knocked out around 15 minutes of IXL but then stopped because I wanted to watch more of my show, which I have been binge w

Trapped (part 2)

     “Ahhhhhhhhh” wait what’s going on??? A dream??? I look down at my arm, no cuts and no bandages! So it was a dream. I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen, “Oh! Hello son! You frightened me!” My mother says in a weird voice “Oh, sorry” I say to her    “I put an egg in your ramen, so it’s special” she says. “Mom I told you already!!! I don’t like eggs in my ramen!!! It’s going to make me fatter!!!” I yell “When . . . Did you tell me?” She asks confused    “Yesterday” I say. I get to school and Lee says the same thing as what he said in the dream, I guess it was dejavu, I reply the same and I decide to go home early to try to alter reality. Rafael isn’t home so I run into my room and lock the door. “Ugh!! AHHHHHHHH!!! HELP SOMEONE!!!” I hear my mother scream, I open the door and run into the kitchen, she isn’t there but there is a pool of blood all over the floor, I follow the trail of blood like a detective into the sham of a backyard that we own. My mom is on her knees


      Of course if you have read my Blackfish movie review you know that I am against animals in captivity but we were challenged to write about the opposing side of captivity, the people who think it is fine. I get how people are okay with animals being in captivity but it’s not okay that they are but I am not going to talk about what I think is right, this was a challenge to talk about the opposing side. The whales are fine, SeaWorld takes care of the orcas and they love them and so do many of the people who pay to watch shows of the orcas performing. Orcas will live a better life if they stay at SeaWorld and if we breed more orcas we can have more orcas to love and take care of. I can’t do this,  I don’t believe that the other people who believe that orcas should be in captivity are correct, orcas don’t deserve to be in captivity and it is really hard for me to argue against myself, I know it’s short but I can’t go on saying that orcas should be in captivity. There really are no goo