Quarter 2 Reflections

    My quarter two has been a little rickety, there was a LOT of drama between friends that I got caught in the middle of and tried to deal with accordingly. Despite the drama there were many things that made me happy and proud of myself. I’m sure hearing my drama would be so much more entertaining than talking about my accomplishments in ELA but in life we don’t always get what we want.

   I guess I’ll start with something that I improved upon so my mom doesn’t say “You need to focus on the positive things in your life instead of the negative things.” Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom but she can just be a little overbearing. Okay, let’s get started. I think one thing that I improved on was my reading skills. I went up around 12 points in my Reading MAP test and I was really proud of myself. I often think of the reason why I was placed in my Excellerated ELA class if there are smarter people than me that aren’t in ELA. Why was I chosen over them if they’re smarter? I think because we do vocabulary every week and we read class books and annotate that I have gotten better at reading. I’m really greatful to be in my class because now I have the pleasure to see my MAP scores go up a few points and I have more confidence in myself.

   One of the most challenging things I faced in  ELA had to be my Butterfly Project. I think that my Butterfly ended up looking nice and it connected to my poem in several different ways but when I got my poem I had no idea what to do. I struggled on finding dreams and fears the author had, because of that it made it harder to represent the poem onto my Butterfly. Eventually, I managed to overlook the big things in my poem and focus more on the message. In the end my Butterfly looked “good” and I was semi-proud of my work.

   The last topic I’m going to touch upon is what I accomplished in ELA after the new year. Going back on the butterfly, not only did we have to make the butterfly but we would have to present to the class and explain why we made our butterfly look the way it did. When it came to my turn to present I was a little nervous, someone with the same poem went before me and I didn’t want people comparing our butterflies. While I was presenting I made sure to talk about the most important features of my Butterfly and try to keep my audience entertained, I don’t know if it worked or not but-oh well. After I presented I felt really good about myself and although I know I’m good at presenting in front of people I was still scared to present before the class, I know they aren’t the type of people to judge but there was self doubt lingering in the back of my mind. I know it’s weird to be proud of myself for presenting but I think that after that experience I feel more comfortable around my classmates.


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