Aphorism Project

The aphorism I chose was “Don’t assume that it’s too late to get involved.” This aphorism means that you shouldn’t assume that it’s too late to get involved with something. The main message that the aphorism teaches is that you shouldn’t be scared to get involved, don’t assume that you are too late to make a difference. I related this aphorism to a This I Believe essay. The This I Believe essay was titled The Power of Presence and the it was saying that it’s never too late to get involved even if the only thing you can do is be there.

I agree with this aphorism more than I initially thought I would. In Tuesday’s with Morrie, Mitch had a falling out with his brother when his brother was diagnosed with cancer. They hadn’t talked in years but even so Mitch tried to connect and be involved in his brothers life. He believed it wasn’t to late. One of the reasons I believe this is because you never know what a person is going through. If someone was going through something but you assumed you were too late to help, you don’t get involved. Through personal experience I’ve always found that it’s better to get involved that to turn your shoulder.

  Although I am not experienced with life and I haven’t been through enough to make a meaningful aphorism, if I were tasked with making an aphorism this is what I’d come up with: “Don’t ever take for granted the impact compassion can have on someone”.


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