News Last Week

                                               Hurricane Irma
   So it's hurricane season, we have had lots of hurricanes so far Huricane Harvey, Huricane Jose, and Huricane Irma. Huricanes are not good at this time of year, considering that Huricane Irma is striking Florida, it can hurt a lot of people. I don't know you but I have family living in Florida, it's scary thinking that your family could get hurt because of ANY Huricane that could be happen any year. Huricane Irma is striking Florida, many people could get killed by Huricane Irma of any hurricane that is really severe, Huricane Harvey has killed some people and destroyed quite a bit of Texas, a lot people live in Texas. Think of all the people that live in Florida, this might not effect you at all, but it effects people in Florida and families or relatives of the people that live in Florida. Now I don't know too much about huricane Irma but it it definitely not a level 1 or 2 Huricane that can only hurt a few people it's move of like a large Huricane that can effect many people and many places. Imagine if you lived in Florida and you hear a Huricane is coming your way, imagine your home gets destroyed or one of your family members dies, this is stuff that happens in the real world! It's sad to admit but many people die cause of hurricanes and it's a very serious subject, not many people know how it feels to be in a Huricane or lose someone from a Huricane, but some people do. I really hope you donate to someone, anyone that has a charity for people who's homes were destroyed and people's who's family members died, this happens in a lot of places and it's not okay, please donate for all the people as they have lost money and possibly family members, thanks for reading my blog today! Bye!


  1. I can tell you put a lot of time and research into writing this post. I hope your family in Florida is OK. Thank you for sharing.


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