Singer vs. Writer

      Would you rather be famous for being a writer, or a singer? This blog is a little different, I have asked you a question that I will answer today, now I love singing but I feel like writing you can really  let out all your emotions, I love writing books and just writing in general but I love singing and performing in front of people. While making this blog I will be choosing either to be famous for being a writer or a singer, now singing and writing each have their pros and cons and they each have their own advantages, I think if I have to choose one I would choose being famous for being a singer. I love writing but when it comes down to which one I love more I think it would be singing, even though I chose singing I still think it would be really cool to be famous for being a writer, I think if you become a writer then you will still be well known (if your book is good) once you die or after a long time of writing it now singing it could go either way, I still listen to music that people made who are dead and even so their death was grieved by many and now their songs are still known and loved. Even though I chose singer I still would love to be famous for being a writer and I probably still wouldn’t be able to become famous for either, my dream is broadway baby! Well thanks for reading my blog, please comment in the description box down below on what you would rather be famous for! Bye!


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