What I am Thankful for

       There are SO many thing that I have been blessed with in life and I could not be happier, sometimes I wish I had more but there are people that have less, I am really picky with the food I eat and I try to always remind myself there are people in other places that are actually starving. I can’t believe how blessed I have been and I cant thank my friends and family enough, I have been blessed with many MANY friends and LOTS! Of family. I have a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles, I have also been blessed with a roof over my head and a meal on the table every night, to think that some people are homeless and they don’t get any food, it makes me sad. I also have nice parents who love me and take care of me and my siblings, those are just a few things that I am great full for and I could never imagine life without them.

      Gratitude is so important becuase if you don’t show someone you care or you are great full for what they do then they might not help you anymore, I am so great full for my mom because she loves me with all of her heart and she always does the best she can to help me, my dad is almost the same he loves me too and he is strong and willing to help anyone, my parents also discipline me and my siblings. If people don’t get disciplined then they won’t know what’s good or bad, so I think that It’s good that people get disciplined if they do something bad because then they will know what they shouldn’t do that again. I could go on and on and on and on but I won’t take up any more of your time, there are so many people and things that I am great full for and I can’t believe how blessed I am, thank you everyone who helps me achieve so much and thank you everyone who reads my blog and supports me along the way.


  1. Thank you for writing a beautiful post. I am also picky with food and I remember the same thing. I am very thankful to be your friend. Thank you for cheering me up when I’m down.

  2. I’m blessed that your my friend Ava and I’m also blessed from my other friends too.

  3. This was a very good post! It was well written and heartfelt. I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this week.

  4. This was an amazing post, it feels like you put a lot of thought into it. I am also a picky eater, but I try to try new things.

    1. Hi, I was scrolling through my comments and I noticed this one and i know this was a long time ago and your name is anonymous for a reason but if you don't mind i'd like to know who you are. Anyway, thank you for commenting even though I don't know who you are and I hope to hear from you more often, bye!


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