
      Of course if you have read my Blackfish movie review you know that I am against animals in captivity but we were challenged to write about the opposing side of captivity, the people who think it is fine. I get how people are okay with animals being in captivity but it’s not okay that they are but I am not going to talk about what I think is right, this was a challenge to talk about the opposing side. The whales are fine, SeaWorld takes care of the orcas and they love them and so do many of the people who pay to watch shows of the orcas performing. Orcas will live a better life if they stay at SeaWorld and if we breed more orcas we can have more orcas to love and take care of. I can’t do this,  I don’t believe that the other people who believe that orcas should be in captivity are correct, orcas don’t deserve to be in captivity and it is really hard for me to argue against myself, I know it’s short but I can’t go on saying that orcas should be in captivity. There really are no good reasons orcas should be in captivity so I am ending it here, bye!


  1. Even though you do not believe in captivity, you do a very good job of arguing it. Good job! Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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