My snow day

     So, LUCKY ME!!!! Last week we got a snow day!!! And I was kind of excited to not have school on Friday because I have gym and social studies on Friday, one I HATE gym and two I had to present for social studies and I wasn’t ready, so it’s a win - win. On Friday we were not really doing anything so I got to lounge around and watch shows all day, a while ago I started watching a show on Netflix called Glee and I think it is really good and it keeps me occupied because it has six seasons, each episode is around 43 minutes and there are 20-22 episodes per season. I tried not to watch my show all day but it is really hard to do that and then I remembered that I had, drumroll please, MATH HOMEWORK!!! So in math there is this app we have called IXL and if we had school on Friday we were only supposed to do half an hour but we didn’t so we had to do an HOUR of IXL! I knocked out around 15 minutes of IXL but then stopped because I wanted to watch more of my show, which I have been binge watching for a LONG time. Then I went downstairs into the kitchen and my mom was suggesting that my brother should go outside, wait umm no that was Saturday because it was snowing like crazy on Friday. So basically my day was uneventful because it was spent binge watching a show on Netflix, thanks for reading . . . Bye!


  1. Even though you don't think the day was eventful, you sure did get a lot of stuff done (even if that stuff is binge watching a show-which ALL of us did: :) Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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