
Showing posts from March, 2018

SOL 31: Egg Hiding

I grab the two bags of eggs and walk carefully out of my moms room, I place them down on the table and grab three or four. I start placing the eggs in different places making sure that most of them were hidden but not hidden enough that you couldn't find them. I feel as if the bags needed to be in a more accessible place so I pick them up again and relocate into the living room, I see my sister sitting on the couch and I glance at her. She was on her phone, I wanted a phone for a long time now but my birth day is soon so fingers crossed! I grab some more eggs and grab my baby brothers Paw Patrol vehicles and grab eggs to match the color of the cars, I place more eggs down and go back to the bag and notice I hadn't really made a dent.

SOL 30: Play Dough

 I wake up and see my sister standing, I ask her what time it was and she said 9:30, I close my eyes again thinking I should wake up then but I wanted ten minutes more to snuggle up in my bed. I walk downstairs a few minutes later and peek into the driveway while skipping down the stairs, the car is missing so I ask my sister where they are, soon they come back with bags in arms and get on my tip toes to see what they bought. Then my brother pulls out play dough and we make fake cookies and we have quality bonding time. I unbox the play dough and grab three colors as my younger brother grabs the other three, I start to pop of the lid by sliding my nails under the lid that keeps the play dough fresh. I role out the play dough and take the cutters and press down on it to make a shape, I pull off the cutter and the play dough cut out sticks and when I look down I see a star. I make more and place different colors on top as the frosting and once I finish I feel no use for them and put it a

SOL 29: Birthday Talk

My birthday is coming up and my parent wanted to know what I would like to do, I think for a while while sitting on the steps facing out toward the living room and and I tell them what I want. I say I would like a phone and they say the bat phone? The bat phone is a flip phone that we own that has no music or games and we can only call or text, they say that they will get me a phone but they don't know if they will get it for me for my birthday. A few minutes later we had relocated and were now talking in the kitchen while enjoying dinner, my brother (who has a birthday two days and two years after mine) says that he wants to go to Orlando Florida at Orlando resorts. I want to go to Orlando but I don't feel like traveling that much this year, I talk about having people over at my house and watching a movie, eating cake, having popcorn and candy. Then I write a list of people for who would come, I had ten names written down and I forgot three important friends... How am I going

SOL 28: Eyes

I just go out of the shower and I wrapped myself in my beige towel like I was a burrito, I bat my eyes a few times because I was sleepy from all of the work I had done earlier. I start to walk up the stairs and once I got to the first platform leading up to the hallway with all of our bedrooms (the first platform is about halfway) and I face the mirror. I see my reflection and go closer, the tip of my nose touches the delicate mirror and I scrunch it from the cold feeling. I see two pools of blue disappearing and appearing as I close my eyes. I stare into the reflection of my eyes and feel warmth, the blue speckles are scattered all over sclera and smile softly so you could barely tell that I was smiling. I back up my face from the mirror and scrunch my nose once again opening my mouth revealing my purple braces that are spaced out on my teeth. I make a few weird faces and decide to stop looking for the night and it has become a strange habit of mine to stop at the mirror on my way up

SOL 27: Fighting

So I have a younger brother and when you have siblings you are bound to fight sometimes...It had only been around 15 minutes since I had been on our home I Pad when he came into the room to go on the I Pad. He kept repeating that he wanted to go on as he slammed his body into my feet that I was using for defense, I wouldn’t let up because I didn’t want to give him the I Pad but he kept pushing. At the time I was talking to friends and me and my brother and I were laughing like crazy so all my friends would hear was “Hahahahahahaha!” While they asked what was happening. I tried to explain what was going on taut the sound of my laughter overpowered what I was trying to say and I couldn’t speak. A while later obviously he gave up and I stayed on the I Pad but then he came up again and the same thing happened another time.

SOL 26: Weird Noises

I hear a weird noise... Ohhhhhhhh, It was coming from somewhere in the room. I look up and notice a “friend” from class with his feet planted on his chair and his knees in the air, his left hand was placed on the top of his I Pad and his eyes scanned the screen. He noticed me looking at him and he slowly moved his fingers and placed the tip on the volume button, he pushed down on the volume button making his I Pad quieter since he was aware I could hear the video. I thought about telling him that he shouldn’t be watching a video when it was work time and that he probably had the most work to catch up out of everyone. As I stare blankly at him I decide not to say anything and I look up and down figuring out what to do, I could still faintly hear the voices coming from the I Pad and I curl up my lips like I don’t agree with what he is doing but I won’t do anything about it.

SOL 25: Birthday

...So ummmmm, you might be confused by this title. It is NOT my birthday although it is soon, I am just going to tell you about what I want to do, by do I don't mean do for my birthday, I'll explain later... So, I found this really cool card game while searching the internet called "SuperFight" and it basically takes a character and something they have as a weapon and another character and a random thing as a weapon and make you chose what would win in a fight. Then, I found a "Walking Dead SuperFight" card deck and I though about getting it for my older brother, but the problem is my older brothers birthday is not until June. Like I said I really want to get it for him or myself because my older brother is caught up and I really like the show so far, I decide to search it up on to see how much it costs. Once I see that it only costs $15.00 I tell myself that isn't a lot of money and if I save more it wont make me only have five dollars once I

SOL 24: Hanging Out...On a Bus.

So...My sister decided to write my Slice Of Life without my acceptance and she wrote about us doing riddles, she wrote ONE SENTENCE about us working on riddles, WOW! That isn't really a Slice Of Life but what she wrote before that was so heartwarming so you should read it... Anyway, yesterday I went over to a friends house BUT! Before that we were riding on the bus together. My best friend had soccer practice that afternoon so she couldn't ride on the bus with me but it was Friday and one of my other friends asked me if I wanted to hang out after school. Once we got on the bus we sat in silence for a moment until I asked her for another hint, she gave me the hint but I was still clueless as to what happened before. My friend gave me a lateral thinking puzzle and I had to guess what had happened before with questions, here is an example... A man at a carnival told a boy that if he could write down your exact weight on a piece of paper the boy had to give him $50, and you would h

SOL 24: Riddles

Hello guys, this is Ava's sister, Lorin. I'm writing her SOL without her knowledge because I thought it would be funny to. So she is always on my old computer, one that is riddled with stickers that I made and stuck onto the top. I have my own computer now, she also does but she decided to take my old one and now the screen is black most of the time. Idk why, maybe she just has the worst luck relating to computers? It wasn't like this before. Anyway I'm typing to say that if any of you mess with Her, you mess with ME. I will literally fight you lol. She is a great sister, and we hardly ever fight although she does have her bursts of sassiness level 1000 sometimes. Like one time I was showing her how to do equational substitution on a paper plate during dinner and she said... "You might as well stop now because I'm not listening" LIKE WOW! Ok that's nice of you to say lol. But she is a great sister so yes, if you are mean to her, expect a letter

SOL 23: Ice Cream Party

I walk into the classroom and take out my I pad, today, in math, we were going to have a special day if we completed our MAP goals. In order to prep for a test we have we were told to do a website called Zearn or MAP recommended practice on Khan Academy, each Zearn lesson was a sticker and each MAP practice that is at 100% gets a sticker. To get the special day we were told that we had to have 40 stickers completed by Friday, last Friday. Many people did not achieve their goal so they didn't get to have any ice cream which was the reward for getting 40 stickers and I ate as much as I could. Before we could eat ice cream we had to finish the documentary we were watching in math for the past week, the documentary wasn't bad but it was a little boring so while we were watching it my eyes would feel like they were being pulled down and I would close them and then realize where I was and open them again a minute later. After we finish the documentary the people who didn't get ic

SOL 22: I'm Bored

So I have a tendency to be bored, like a lot... Anyway so this morning...Never-mind  that isn't a good story, well it is not funny or cool- you know what I mean. Let me think, ummmmmm... Ive got nothing, I can not think of ANYTHING to write about for my slice of life blog! Okay how about I tell you a funny story?! A long time ago, when I was around four years old my little brother was two. We were hanging out in the basement and my brother wasn't wearing any pants... This story isn't entertaining! What are you thinking Ava!?!?! As I lay in my bed eating arctic strawberry altoids I think about what I should write about, in fact I am typing this right now as I lay in my bed deciding to write these very words to write. I first think that I should talk about this morning when me and my friends were texting each other when we were in the same room but then I decide not to because that story is to boring an I wouldn't want to hear that. Then I think about a time a long while

SOL 20: Cereal

As soon as I wake up I crawl out of bed ad go downstairs, sitting at the table I see my older sister and baby brother, one is eating a bowl of cereal that has marshmallows and stars, Ben is dipping his spoon through the cereal. While I watch my brother I can see that he only wants the marshmallows so he dips in the spoon and if he brings a spoonful of stars to the surface he dunks it back in but if he sees a marshmallow he gulps it down as fast as he can and then dunks his spoon back in to search for more marshmallows. I decide to get some of the same cereal because we don't have it that much when I notice one of my favorite cereals, shredded wheat, I contemplate weather I want to eat shredded wheat or lucky charms and I still decide to eat lucky charms. I reach up for a bowl and pull out one of the biggest ones, as I poor the cereal in the bowl I swirl it around with my pointer finger making more room for more cereal. I later poor the milk and take a seat at the table next to my b

SOL 19: The Baby

As soon as we finish eating I know it is almost time for cake, this cake would show the fate of our family and how it will grow. In the cake there will be a color, pink means the new baby is a girl, blue means the new baby is a boy, as we eagerly sit there watching the cake be brought to the table we hold our breaths. My mom places the cake down and we all lean in closer to see the reveal once my mom cuts into the cake, when she lifts the knife I can see a sliver of pink frosting that stuck to the knife when she pulled it from the cake. I act surprised but I already knew because we were trying to get our baby brother to tell us since he knew and he was only 4, after a while I said we should bid on what the gender will be, not with real money of course but you know what I mean. I wanted it to be a girl but I thought it was going to be a guy because, well I mean I don't know. When my other younger brother said he thought it was going to be a girl my baby brother said it was and ruine

SOL 18: Going to a Concert

As I walk out of the rental car I look out at the large building that we were going to walk into, as I start to walk into the building with my dad, brother and sister, we see many people in red that are supposed to check our bags. Since we are in Indiana, we don't have any so they tell us that we can go inside and go up the stairs where the concert is. We step onto the escalator and slowly go up a level and we step off and go into the room ahead. We were looking for where to enter to find seating but the openings are blocked off. So we go into another escalator to the higher floor and ask the woman in red where we can enter but she says we have to go back downstairs. So we go downstairs and ask another woman where to enter and we walk around the circular entrances until we find one and finally find our seat. We sit down after one of the best song plays and then we stand up because we wouldn't be able to see if we sat. Anyway, I am here right now writing this blog on my dads

SOL 17: Leprechaun Day

I wake up to the noise of my brothers yelling do you want your candy? I squeeze my eyes shut and tell them to give me a minute because I don't feel like walking downstairs to get chocolate. My younger brother Max plops a bag in front of my face and groan, I tell him to leave and they run down the stairs chasing each other. After all of the noise I find it impossible to go back to sleep so I decide to walk downstairs, I look out into the living room and notice  our leprechaun traps spread out on the roller table. I look on the floor and notice green (fake) grass sprawled out, as I walked over to the traps the strands of grass clung to my feet, as I pulled them off one by one I looked at the floor and noticed chocolate on the floor. I walk into the kitchen and I see my older sister and her friend talking at the table, they had just walked upstairs when they heard the noise my younger brothers were making. I go to sit down and start listening to the conversation while I scrape my fing

SOL 16: Ummmmm.

So, ummmmm. I don’t know what to talk about, well reading PARCC was a success! I think I did a good job, considering writing and essay is a strong suit of mine and we had to write essays each session, we had three sessions. Anyway, I have no idea what to talk about so I think I will just talk about me playing a game on the I pad, the school I pad, during ELA free time. I carefully pull out my I pad from the case after I get bored and decide to work on a small project we have to do, we have to make a trailer about Greek gods or goddesses and mine is pretty good. Anyway, after I work for a while I think that my movie is perfect and I go to work on something else. I go on a website called and click on a game that other people have been playing, so basically in this game there is a vampire who wants to be in the sun so goes to a castle to get a cure and has to go through levels. I play this for a while until I give up because I can’t get past level seven and click on a di

SOL 15: The talent show!

  After a few days of practice it was finally time for the performance, I heard all of the acts and was now ready to see how many people would come to see us perform. I sneak a look at the door, and wait, and wait some more, not many people come through and I get a little disappointed, I mean we are performing for them so to have such a little audience was not the best thing ever. About thirty people had come to see us perform and the show began, first we had a good friend sing and play her ukulele, then two boys in my grade were rapping, after that another person went up and sang a song from a really good movie. While the performances went by I got really nervous, I started breathing in and out as the group before me went to preform, the bad thing is, the people who went before me are amazing people and great singers so the bar was set high, did I do good? Or did I fail? Find out after this short commercial break! Doop Doop Doooooooooooo Do Do Do! AND WE ARE BACK!!!! Once my friends f

SOL14: Practice

Ughhhhhhhh...I am making a habit of holding of  my blog until last minute, I am really mad at myself because I could be doing my blog during class but I decide to wait until after school. I wake up in the morning and get on my uniform...Wait, no, I get on an orange dress and search though my bag of coins for a dollar, I grab my money and wait for my dad to get home. Once my dad gets home I leave for the bus and talk to my friend, I get to school and tell my friend that I have the talent show practice today in the morning. Clearly she didn't hear me because she asked if I wanted to wait inside so I had to remind her again that I had practice, I go inside and walk up to the principle, she tells me to go up in the room and I walk up the stairs. I open the door and a few people were there already, I walk over to a table and set my stuff down, a few minutes later almost everyone is here and we go over the order in which people are preforming. As the acts go by I sing my song in my head

SOL 13:The Morning

Here I am writing my blog at 9:17 again, regretting the decisions I had to hold it off until now but I chose when and what I write so it's my fault. I wake up to the sound of Lazy Town "Wake Up" blasting my ears as I slowly open my eyes, I sit up and look at my sister and little brother using a speaker to wake me up. Since it is the morning I am annoyed with hearing this song right when I wake up so I say "Really?" My sister laughs and responds by saying    "Me and Ben thought it would be a fun idea to wake you up" I push my hand like it's sweeping to tell them to get out and i stand up. I have school today, uniform, uniform, where did you go? I open up my dresser drawer and grab my uniform hastily having done this a million times before, I slide on my uniform and stomp down the stairs with enough time to eat shredded wheat (my new favorite cereal) and get ready for my orthodontists appointment.

SOL 12: The Bus Ride

    Hi, so....Ummmm, I don’t know what to write about, this happens a lot but I can think of anything to say, this isn’t that new, I guess it happens to me everyday but I need to think about what I want to write because nothing is coming to mind. I heave up the few steps that lead me up to the bus as I try to fix my backpack strap so it won’t feel weird anymore, once I am on the bus I go to the forth or fifth seat and sit down. As I watch all of the kids from my bus stop give little push and shoves to get up on the bus before other people I stare into space, everyone gets seated and I put my head down and rest it on the seat. I close my eyes to get just a minute more of rest because I stayed up late, the bus starts moving and before I know it we are at the next bus stop, all of the other kids pile onto the bus filling seats like there were just enough for everyone and I lift my head up and watch all the people pass by. My friend gets on the bus and I scoot over so she can sit down wit

SOL 11: The Dangerous Journey to get the I Pad

I had just finished texting my friends that I was going to get the I pad if my little brother was on it as I was creeping down the stairs, there it was, on the couch it laid still, resting there, I crept over to it in hopes of finding a 30% charged I pad. I press the home button and as the screen glow hits my face there it reads 2%, I grab the I pad and peek into the dining area where my brother is playing, I quickly tuck the I pad into my arms like I am holding a football and rush up the stairs. I tell my friends that I have the I pad but I needed to plug it in, I leave the voice call and rush to plug in the I pad, I grab the charger and cord sprawled out all over the floor and I push the charger into the I pad. I slide the screen open and enter the passcode, I slide to the left and open my app Discord, Discord is a app/website that allows you to talk to your friends. I click on the group chat and join the call and like that it was like I never even left. I know this was short but her

SOL 10: Waking Up

Well I held my blog of late again so I am stuck writing it at 9:34, well it's my fault so I shouldn't be complaining but you know. Anyway... Lets get started! A small groan makes its way out of my mouth as the morning sun shines on my face after a goods nights rest, I squint to shield my eyes from the sunlight and slide out of bed. I stop and turn to look at my reflection in the mirror, I am in my white pajamas and my hair is all messy because of all the tossing and turning in my sleep, I'm surprised, most of the time my hair is not that messy when I wake up but I guess its only really messy because I had slept in. I turn again after looking at myself in the mirror and start walking towards the door, you can hear faint laughter and the birds chirp while I reach for the door handle that is layered with a gold varnish that is slowly chipping off. I open the door and walk into the hallway, ahhhhh, the smell of nothing, I smell nothing, I stand there for a brief moment and then

SOL 9: Go For the Gold

   So in ELA we are doing a go for the gold challenge and I am almost done so I think I will share my experience with you because that is the kind of person I am I guess, well this is the picture and I will tell you more about with my SOL. I walk into the classroom and look at my seat, the chair is gone, I look at the table and notice my chair in the wrong spot, I drag the chair tired of repeating this process over and over again every morning. I take out my I pad from my damaged computer bag (it was damaged before I got it) and click on IXL, I had already finished the articles we had to read and I only had the last five IXL skills to do. I chose the first IXL skill and check how long I have been working on it before this and it is about 30-45 minutes and I continue to work, the order of answers went like this, correct, correct, correct, correct, wrong, correct, correct, wrong, and so on and so forth. In the end I didn't have enough time to finish my IXL skills and I know I am cut

SOL 8: Ughhhh #2

   It was nearing the end of the day (again) and I was tired of waiting for the cast list because I new it want going to be ready by the end of today so I just pushed through gym and went to my locker. I had put away all of my stuff in my ELA classroom because I had anime club that day and went to the office to check just in case the list was posted. I open the door and see a huge blob of people that had also tried out for the musical and I emediatly rushed over to the blob. Soon it was my turn and I told the lady my name and she told me I was in the ensemble, I walked away from the table and while I was walking back down the hallway I saw my friend and I decided to ask her what role she got. “Hey, what role did you get?” I ask her curiously “Maria. . .” She says “Wait? Didn’t you say that you didn’t want a lead role?” “Yeah, I didn’t check off lead role on the sheet so I have no idea why they chose me. . .” As the words come out of her mouth I feel sorrow but I say congratulatio

SOL 7: Ughhhhh #1

   So. . . As you can tell I am very Ughhhhhhhhh, for some reason I am feeling it a lot and I don’t know how to stop it, and who knows maybe I won’t be able to stop it. This morning was depressing, kind of, I got off the bus and walked down my steps and started walking towards the school while talking to my friend. Once we stop under the same concrete block atatched to the school she asks if we can go inside, I say fine because there isn’t really anything could lose from going inside. She goes in front of me and I slowly walk up to the door, I don’t feel like going inside, I trudge in and someone follows behind us. A few people come in from the inside of the school and a small space opens up somewhere else in the cramped space, I walk over to it assuming my friend will follow me and she does, we stand there, silence striking the group of people around me, she pulls out her phone and starts texting her boyfriend. This is boring I think to myself, aaaanddddd I still don’t know weather I

SOL 6: The Bus Ride

     I stepped up onto the bus and looked around while walking forward a little, I take the third seat and I squeeze in, I sit up and peek over the leather seat in front of me and watch the other students flood onto the bus. The bus starts to move after everyone got on the bus but then we stopped, the doors opened and another person came on the bus they were holding there backpack in one hand and were going to walk past me. Once they got near me I ducked my head to avoid the backpack that was over my head, the backpack scraped my head a moment later despite my efforts to avoid that very situation and then we got moving again. Once we got to the second stop I peeked over the leather seat again to examine all the people that were walking up the steps, finally my friend came on and she sat next to me. We talked about stuff going on at school and how it was effecting us and I showed her my mini toothpaste bottle thing that I have in my backpack to show my friend later in the day, we were

SOL 5: Brainstorming

   I had just gotten out of the shower and changed into my pajamas for the night when I wrapped a towel around my head and plopped into bed. I had quickly memorized my SOL blog was not done for the day and I had to get it done so I could have a perfect streak for the month of March. Things had gone slow that day, wake up, watch shows, eat a bowl of cereal, eat chips, eat chocolate bars, become obese (just kidding, I’m sorry if you show offense to that I don’t want to make anyone mad I am just joking at how fat I am) and watch more shows. After all my day was pretty uneventful and I got nothing done, so. . . For my SOL blogs I am trying to write about something small that happens to me everyday but since I had nothing to write about I had to think up something in the past or explain my trip to get food, unlikely then I thought maybe I could blog about my brainstorming. I had just hopped in bed ready to watch EVEN MORE shows for the day but it came to mind that I was missing something,

SOL 4: Audition Time!

    Hey. . . So, in my ELA class we are doing, you could say slice of life challenge but anyway. . . We have to post a new SOL blog everyday. It’s a struggle . . . I will tell you that, excpesially on the weekends but I have to push through because I set a goal to do an SOL blog everyday of March. So just wanted to update you but I can’t push this off for much longer so let’s get started. Let me m tell you about my audition for the school musical (if you are caught up on my recent posts The Sound Of Music ) It was not before when it was time for me and a few others to go into the audition room. I was nervous, but not super nervous because I had been through this before, already locked n the character I wanted to be I stepped into the room with confidence. I was told to stand on the far left of the room as we were all lined up in a row of six, it was soon time to start the audition as we were told to sing our audition song Doe a Deer, we all started singing and finished a minute or so a

The Art of Presenting

  There really isn’t a right way of  presenting, it really all depends on what your style is or how you do things, even though there is really no right way on how you present there is a bad way. When you present you always want to make sure that you are facing the audience and making eye contact, if you don’t make eye contact or face the audience do you think that they would be able to hear you or even be interested in what you have to present? I think not, another tip is speak loudly . . .  Yes I know there are microphones but not everyone has one and when presenting it is key to speak loudly so that everyone can hear you and they will understand presentation subject you are discussing. My last tip is my favorite one and I think you really can't have a great presentation without it, last but not least you have emotion, you have to present with emotion or your audience will not feel what you are trying to say, if you don’t have emotion then this might be what you sound like “Hi. .

SOL 3: I’ll call your mom. . .

    Okay. . . You know how I told you about the  Day in band class where the announcements came on but they told us that they didn’t have the cast list? Well on that same day something funny happened. It was early in band class  and a student (named Kelly Butler)  was not listening to our teacher,   They were told to turn around in their chair because they were talking to a student behind them. This had happened many times before and was not new to the band class,  it happened so quickly I wasn’t able to think about it “  Kelly (Kelly’s last name) TURN AROUND NOW! ” My teacher yells, he turns around and starts to talk     “It’s not me. . .” He says trying to defend himself stupidly but my teacher doesn’t care, she shouts again   “Put your trumpet away now. . .” She yells on the verge of sending him to the principles office “But-“PUT YOUR TRUMPET AWAY AND GO TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE!” and at that very moment she cracks a little. You can hear faint gasps as the words shoot out of her

SOL 2: The Wait

    Finally the day had come to an end, you do not know how long I have yearned for this moment, It was the end of block four and we had just finished up a song in band class and we’re packing up our instruments. The day before I was preparing for my audition for the school musical The Sound Of Music when it was my turn, I walk inside not knowing what to expect and walking out feeling a little disappointed but confident. The producers of the musical believed they would have the cast list posted the next day and so I waited and waited, It was finally the time for the principles to announce who got in the musical on the loud speakers and post the cast list. As the clicking sound of the loudspeaker turned on my ears perked up, this was the moment deciding my fate for the musical, either I don’t get in and I’m devastated or I do get in and I jump for joy. The suspense had been killing me the whole day and it was finally time to hear the results, as I wait in anticipation all I can hear is

SOL 1: Getting Ready

     “Ava, wake up” My sister says to me, I twitch at hearing my name and I burry my face into my blanket hoping to get five more minutes of sleep   “Okay, wait. . . One more minute” I say before I fall back asleep “Ava, wake up” my sister says again, I roll over in bed to see her standing at the doorway of our bedroom. I check the time and realize I had slept for four minutes instead of one, I slide out of bed as I hear my sister stomping down the stairs and I heave over my pile of school supplies to get to my dresser all the way on the other side of the room creak  oh no. My brother is awake again. . . Ughhhhhhh   why?!   I slide open one of my dresser drawers and take out a shirt and jeans (this is the part where I take off my pajamas and put on my clothes but that is unimportant.) I quietly stepped over my pile of school supplies again and gathered it all together, I haul my backpack over my arm and pick up my I pad bag and walk down the stairs.


  Hi! So I just want you to know what is happening when I use italics and bolds because I don’t want you to think what is she doing when she used italics or bold letters so here is a short key that I made so that you can understand what I am doing when I add things to my words.        Italics: When I use italics I am thinking about something in my brain, like if you sing a song in your head and no one else can hear it. Or I can use italics to be sarcastic (example: “That is so funny!”)       Bold: When I use bold words it means something pops out or someone is saying something loudly  apposed to regular talking.        Bold and Italics: When I use Bold and italics I hear a noise like crash      And that is it I hope you understand better now and I will notify you if I have anything else to tell you! Bye!